ZhongHuan TIG co. ,ltd
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Flowmeter Level Meter Valve Meteorological Instrument Actuator Pressure Transmitter Temperature Meter Pressure Gauge Display Instrument Instrument Panel and Console Industrial Process Control System Gas Meter Siemens Original Products Water Meter
 Water Meter
  LXSG-15DX, 20DX Single Jet Water Meter
 Product Category:Water Meter
 Product Code:
 Entering Time:2010/5/13
 Clicks: 12906
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Product INformation:

LXSG-15DX, 20DX single jet water meter is used for measuring total volume of water flow in running water both at home and industry.

The product is designed uniquely with a slope of 45 degree and 360 degree rotation digital display. The register is out of touch water, so the meter dial can keep clean and clear.