ZhongHuan TIG co. ,ltd
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Flowmeter Level Meter Valve Meteorological Instrument Actuator Pressure Transmitter Temperature Meter Pressure Gauge Display Instrument Instrument Panel and Console Industrial Process Control System Gas Meter Siemens Original Products Water Meter
 Gas Meter
  G6~G100 Indus. & Commercial Gas Meter
 Product Category:Gas Meter
 Product Code:
 Entering Time:2010/4/22
 Clicks: 13062
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Product INformation:
The Indus. & Commercial Gas Meter is our latest research and development product whose technical specifications are in accordance with the regulations of GB6968 or OIML-R31. Welded shell meter which can withstand the working pressure 200Kpa is domestic initiative. For 5 consecutive years, the export volume ranks first in the same domestic industry.